Geo Watkins Mushroom Ketchup Food Cupboard M&S Title
Geo Watkins Mushroom Ketchup Food Cupboard M&S
Geo Watkins Mushroom Ketchup Food Cupboard M&S
Geo Watkins Mushroom Ketchup Food Cupboard M&S
Geo Watkins Mushroom Ketchup Food Cupboard M&S

Geo Watkins Mushroom Ketchup

SKU: 37074011


Our Mushroom Ketchup is the original ketchup (without a tomato in sight) and is full of deep, powerful umami flavours. It's vegan, vegetarian and dairy free. This versatile product delivers a smooth flavour punch to any dish so why not try it in pies, gravies and stews or push your... Read More
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