Spoil your dog with Edgard & Cooper's delicious grain-free wet dog food, a complete and balanced meal packed with fresh beef and wholesome vegetables. This recipe is perfect for even the fussiest eaters, promoting healthy muscles, glowing fur, and a happy tummy.
This complete, grain free recipe is bursting with delicious cuts of fresh beef aswell as an irresistable blend of fresh veggies - and everything else your four-legged friend needs. What's in our Beef tins?- Fresh, lean beef - highly digestable (and highly delicious), perfect for building strong muscles and a healthy immune system.- Nature's superfoods! Fresh beetroot, broccoli, pear and carrot for a tasty blend of natural antioxidants, minerals and vitamins - for glowing skin and fur!- Probiotics for maintaining a healthy gut.- All cooked low and slow to lock in flavour and goodness.We hate over processed food, meat meals and artificial nasties! Our entire menu is thoughtfully crafted by experts who select natural, high quality ingredients and prepare them the right way. All of our ingredients are transported fresh, in refrigerated trucks, and cooked low and slow to retain all their nutritional benefits - and yumminess. Fussy eaters, we're here to save the day!
Product information
This complete, grain free recipe is bursting with delicious cuts of fresh beef aswell as an irresistable blend of fresh veggies - and everything else your four-legged friend needs.
What's in our Beef tins?
- Fresh, lean beef - highly digestable (and highly delicious), perfect for building strong muscles and a healthy immune system.
- Nature's superfoods! Fresh beetroot, broccoli, pear and carrot for a tasty blend of natural antioxidants, minerals and vitamins - for glowing skin and fur!
- Probiotics for maintaining a healthy gut.
- All cooked low and slow to lock in flavour and goodness.
We hate over processed food, meat meals and artificial nasties! Our entire menu is thoughtfully crafted by experts who select natural, high quality ingredients and prepare them the right way. All of our ingredients are transported fresh, in refrigerated trucks, and cooked low and slow to retain all their nutritional benefits - and yumminess. Fussy eaters, we're here to save the day!Country of Origin
Preparation and Usage
95 kcal/100g.
Bigger Dogs Have Bigger Appetites!
Teeny Tiny Dogs 1-5kg: 90-300g per day
Smallish Dogs 6-10kg: 350-520g per day
Dog-Sized Dogs 11-20kg: 580-870g per day
Great Big Dogs 21-30kg: 900-1180g per day
Looks Like a Horse 31-40kg: 1210-1470g per day
Requirements vary depending on age, breed and activity level. Use this as a guide with your own good sense, any always ensure fresh water is available.Instructions
Day 1 & 2: 75% former food, 25% Edgard & Cooper
Day 3 & 4: 50% former food, 50% Edgard & Cooper
Day 5 & 6: 25% former food, 75% Edgard & Cooper
Day 7: 100% Edgard & Cooper, WOOF!Package Type
Other Information
Complete food for adult dogs.
Best before date & batch details: see bottom of tin.
Our tins prefer a cool, dry place.
Made in the EU
We're Edgard & Cooper, two lucky dogs whose owners believe that every pet deserves the best! When they couldn't find dog food nutritious enough to keep us both healthy, they invented a revolutionary way to make their own from deboned beef, tasty veggies, fruit and botanicals.
Edgar & Cooper
We love it and know you will too!
Not all dogs are as lucky as Edgard & Cooper, so we make sure that 10% of our profits go to charity. We're supporting the Dog Care Clinic in Sri Lanka, where millions of dogs live on the streets - find out more at edgardcooperfoundation.org
For more, visit www.edgardcooper.com/feeding
10% Profits to CharityManufacturer
Deerlijksestraat 57,
Belgium.Return To Address
Edgard & Cooper,
Deerlijksestraat 57,
Typical Values
Analytical constituents:
Crude protein:
Crude oils and fats:
Crude fibres:
Crude ash:
Nutritional additives/kg:
Vitamin D3:
450 IU
Vitamin E:
40 mg
Zinc (zinc oxide):
30 mg
Manganese (manganese oxide):
2 mg
Copper (copper sulphate, pentahydrate):
0.4 mg
Iodine (coated, granulated calcium iodate, anhydrous):
0.3 mg
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