Silk Queen Pillowcase Lifestyle & Wellbeing Harrods
Silk Queen Pillowcase Lifestyle & Wellbeing Harrods
Silk Queen Pillowcase Lifestyle & Wellbeing Harrods
Silk Queen Pillowcase Lifestyle & Wellbeing Harrods
Silk Queen Pillowcase Lifestyle & Wellbeing Harrods
Silk Queen Pillowcase Lifestyle & Wellbeing Harrods
Silk Queen Pillowcase Lifestyle & Wellbeing Harrods
Silk Queen Pillowcase Lifestyle & Wellbeing Harrods
Silk Queen Pillowcase Lifestyle & Wellbeing Harrods

Silk Queen Pillowcase

SKU: 14803978


Ensure a restful night's sleep with Slip's Silk Queen Pillowcase. Crafted from the highest grade pure mulberry silk, this bedtime essential is gentle on your hair and is designed to reduce tugging and prevent morning bed-head.Other InfoEnsure a restful night's sleep with Slip's Silk Queen Pillowcase. Crafted from the highest... Read More
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