Reparative Moisturiser (30ml) Facial Skincare Harrods
Reparative Moisturiser (30ml) Facial Skincare Harrods
Reparative Moisturiser (30ml) Facial Skincare Harrods
Reparative Moisturiser (30ml) Facial Skincare Harrods
Reparative Moisturiser (30ml) Facial Skincare Harrods

Reparative Moisturiser (30ml)

SKU: 19630161


California-based Eighth Day is headed by dermatologist and dermatologic surgeon Dr. Antony Nakhla. His patent-pending stem cell technology Peptide-Rich Plasma infuses the Reparative Moisturiser with growth factors and amino acids to hydrate and repair damaged skin. The high potency and nutrient-rich ingredients ensure that dull skin is left looking brighter,... Read More
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