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Preparing Kendamil Baby Milk Formula. Your Top 7 Steps and FAQs

by Lily Wong 08 Apr 2023 0 Comments

Now that your baby is ready to enjoy their first bottle of deliciously prepared creamy white Kendamil goodness, where should you start? You’re not unlike mothers all around the world who are unsure about the right preparation steps. This procedure has to be done correctly unless you want your child to spit the formula right back at you, or worse, swallow a nasty bug and get an infection. 

But fear not, McGrocer is here to help you prepare your first couple of bottles of baby formula correctly and safely. Besides, you need them to actually enjoy the formula like you would any regular ol’ meal. 

Here are your top 7 steps and FAQs for prepping Kendamil baby formula.

Make sure your hands are clean 

Remember how washing your hands as a kid was that important? Well, it’s even more important when you are preparing a bottle of Kendamil baby formula. Doctor’s recommendation. 

Ensure that the bottle, teat, and cap are sterilised

Your baby is going to be suckling on the teat connected to the cap and all connected to the bottle. Cleanliness and sterilisation might be a virtue here since your child might be exposed to pathogens as they suckle. 

There are a couple of ways to sterilise your feeding equipment such as Kendamil pre-made bottles. You can do it by cold sterilisation using a special solution, steam sterilisation, or the regular method of boiling in water for at least 10 minutes. The feeding equipment should also be kept on a sterilised rack. And on a solid note, all your baby feeding equipment including racks, thermometers, spoons, flasks, etc. should be sterilised too. 

Boil water and let it cool to about 70 C degrees

Boiled water for formula can be stored in a special flask so that you can easily mix your formula on the go. As a key, keep your thermometer nearby when you know you are ready to mix. 70 C degrees is the temperature of the water at mixing the formula, so keep that in mind. 

Measure out the water and powder according to the Kendamil instructions

Again, following the specs on the Kendamil pack makes your work all the much easier. 

Stir the mixture gently with a sterilised utensil

You can choose to stir the mixture gently to settle the froth or swirl the bottle gently too. Keep in mind that Kendamil products such as formula are based on whole milk which naturally produces froth. 

Put back the teat and cap on and let the mixture cool to about 37 C degrees

Let the mixture cool to 37 C degrees with the teat and cap sealed on. 

Double-check the temperature on your wrist 

We don’t want baby to get a sore lip there, do we? Always let a few drops on the back of your wrist to check that the temperature is optimal. 

What about the preparation of other Kendamil Formula?

The great thing about Kendamil products is that they are always labelled correctly, with ingredients and instructions. Therefore, you’ll never miss a thing when it comes to proper preparation. Besides, Kendamil formula is always easy to prepare and they even have pre-mixed products if you are a super-busy mum or dad. 

McGrocer is your the best grocery shop online for all your favourite Kendamil products. Expand your shopping list and explore unique Kendamil products such as Kendamil first infant milk and Kendamil organic at the best prices online. 

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