A set of 4 BIC 4 Colours pens: the BIC 4 Colours Original and the smaller BIC 4 Colours Mini with black, blue, red, and green ink. And the BIC 4 Colours Fun pen plus its little cousin the BIC 4 Colours Mini Fashion Colours ballpoint, both featuring exciting pink, purple, turquoise, and lime green ink. At a mere 12 cm long, you can just toss these minis into your bag or pocket. Slip a lanyard through the hole in the ball tip and latch them onto your key chain. All these great pens have a medium 1.0 mm points.
A set of 4 BIC 4 Colours pens: the BIC 4 Colours Original and the smaller BIC 4 Colours Mini with black, blue, red, and green ink. And the BIC 4 Colours Fun pen plus its little cousin the BIC 4 Colours Mini Fashion Colours ballpoint, both featuring exciting pink, purple, turquoise, and lime green ink. At a mere 12 cm long, you can just toss these minis into your bag or pocket. Slip a lanyard through the hole in the ball tip and latch them onto your key chain. All these great pens have a medium 1.0 mm points.
The ultimate set of all-in-one BIC ballpoints that change colours without changing pens - all with multipurpose medium 1.0 mm points. You get 1 BIC 4 Colours Original pen plus a cute 12 cm 4 Colours Mini ball pen - and they both write in blue, red, green, and black ink. Includes 1 BIC 4 Colours Fun pen and the smaller 4 Colours Mini Fashion Colours that write in pink, purple, turquoise, and lime green. All 4 offer effortless writing with fluid ink and meticulously crafted ballpoints that seamlessly glide on paper. Uncompromising quality, these 4-colour BIC Biro pens are made at BIC's own plants based on unmatched expertise.
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