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Why Kendamil Is Perfect for Each Stage of Your Baby’s Growth

by Lily Wong 07 Apr 2023 0 Comments

As a mum or a parent to a toddler or infant, a big part of your life revolves around making sure that they are fed correctly. Making the transition from breast milk to a follow-on formula is no easy feat, especially if you lack information on the right brands. 

Kendamil is the premier home-grown UK solution for all of your toddler’s feeding requirements. With 60+ years of combined experience working with doctors, child nutritionists, dieticians, and more importantly, nursing mums, Kendamil has every product that your child needs for all their growth phases. 

Kendamil is popular with mothers around the UK, and for us at McGrocer, this is one product that we highly recommend. Here are a few things that you should know about Kendamil products if you are a new mum, or if you are transitioning your child from breast milk to a baby bottle. 

Kendamil has the entire solution set 

Kendamil has everything your baby needs, from first instant milk to Kendamil goat milk, and from cereal, Kendamil organic rice, to milkshakes and fruit porridge. Your child will never get bored with their diet if you choose Kendamil. 


Kendamil smells and tastes great

We know this because we’ve tried it out ourselves. That wholesome, rich, creamy goodness is distinct and something that you seldom get with other brands.  

Kendamil has great reviews 


Kendamil Review



If you are afraid of transitioning your baby from breast milk to follow-on milk, Kendamil has the best reviews in the market. Lots of parents in the UK use Kendamil and that’s a great thing because it means you get a first-hand opinion from folks you can trust. 

Kendamil has unique lifestyle products 

We’re talking about everything from organic, vegetarian, Halal Kendamil, and Kosher milk. You can also buy Kendamil ready-to-feed six packs if buying in bulk fits your lifestyle more. 

Kendamil’s ethos is all about health and sustainability

Kendamil proudly advocates for traceability and the sourcing and use of local products, in particular, whole milk. Kendamil’s unique whole milk recipe provides a more naturally-derived fat source for your baby. This eliminates the need to use vegetable-derived oils, palm oil, soya, and fish oil. 

Kendamil’s whole milk formula also tries to mirror breast milk as scientifically close as possible. 

Kendamil has a wide variety of resources to help during transitions 

With Kendamil, you’ll never have to worry about missing an ingredient, or not being sure how to prepare a follow-on milk formula. There are tons of instructions on their website, not to mention we at McGrocer also provide prep instructions besides the product information. 

Kendamil is always available everywhere 

You can find Kendamil products from your local Sainsbury’s, ASDA, or Tesco store. Here at McGrocer, we are the premier online seller of Kendamil products, aggregating all other Kendamil products that might be missing from your local store or supermarket. So, you never have to worry about missing an item or having to source from different places. 

Get all your Kendamil products from McGrocer 

Here at McGrocer, we are big on Kendamil seeing how mums love it and how our customers always leave great reviews of the product. That’s why we have made getting hold of all your favourite Kendamil products a breeze. Check out more Kendamil products from #McGrocerOnline and buy everything you need for a one-time delivery fee. 

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