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The First 12 Months: The Most Exciting Time of Your Newborn’s Life

by Lily Wong 04 Apr 2023 0 Comments

As a mom, watching your baby grow from a tiny newborn into a curious and active one-year-old is an incredibly rewarding experience. But it can also be overwhelming to keep track of all the changes that happen in the first year of your baby's life. 

With preparation and a little bit of patience, your baby’s first year of life can be quite exciting and life-changing for you as well. Here, we’ll provide a month-by-month guide of what you can expect as your little one grows and develops from 0-12 months. You’ll also get neat recommendations on the best Kendamil products to use for these different phases. 

0-1 Month 

This first month is all about getting to know your baby and adjusting to life as a new parent. Your baby will sleep for most of the day and night and will need to be fed every two to three hours. You may also notice your baby becoming more alert and responsive to your voice and touch.

This is the time to invest in the Kendamil First Infant Starter Pack or Kendamil ready-to-feed bottles if you have problems breastfeeding or are caught up with a busy schedule. 

2-3 Months

Your baby will start to become more active and alert during this time and may begin to develop a regular sleep schedule. You may notice your baby cooing and making more sounds, and they may even start to smile and laugh. Tummy time is important at this stage to help develop neck and arm strength.

4-5 Months

Your baby will become more interested in their surroundings and may begin to reach for and grab objects. They may also start to roll over, so be sure to always supervise them during tummy time. You may also notice your baby starting to babble and even mimic sounds.

6-9 Months 

Your baby's motor skills will continue to develop, and they may start to sit up on their own and even crawl. They may also start to respond to their name and may even begin to understand simple commands. This is a great time to introduce them to new textures and tastes through solid foods. This is also the best time to introduce your toddler to Kendamil organic follow-on milk powder.

From 8-9 Months, your baby will become more mobile and may start to pull themselves up to stand. They may also begin to cruise along furniture and take their first steps. This is a very exciting time for both you and the baby. Communication will also become more important, and your baby may start to say their first words.

10-12 Months 

Your baby will continue to refine their motor skills and may even start to climb stairs. They will also become more independent and may want to explore on their own. You may also notice your baby becoming more attached to familiar faces and objects.

At 12 months you are expecting your baby's first birthday and this is a big milestone! By now, they may be walking on their own and may even be saying a few words. Yaay! They will also start to develop a sense of independence and may begin to resist help from others. This is a great time to celebrate all of the amazing growth and development your baby has gone through in their first year of life. 

At this point, you may be spoilt for choice about which Kendamil product to buy your baby. Kendamil 3 organic toddler milk comes highly recommended here. However, since their tastebuds are more developed now, you could try baby out on some Kendamil berry porridge or even some Kendamil organic rice. 

Is My Baby Moving Too Slow Or Too Fast?

Remember, every baby develops at their own pace, so don't worry if your little one is a little behind or ahead of these milestones. Some babies move faster in the second year while others slow down. A healthy baby is a key priority for you as a parent and shopping for Kendamil products from #McGrocerOnline makes this even more possible for you.

The most important thing is to enjoy each moment with your baby and cherish this special time in their life.

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